Erica Lee-Garcia, P.Eng. will lead a discussion on ‘What does she need to succeed?’ about women in science and engineering. Erica is the Program Director of the WinSETT Centre’s Leadership Program. WinSETT’s goal is to help women enter, lead and succeed in Science Engineering Trades and Technology (SETT) fields. They offer online leadership courses for early to mid-career women in SETT and their allies.
The discussion will centre on obstacles faced by women graduating from science and engineering programs, efforts by post-secondary institutions to reduce them, the role of male allies, and the reasons that change matters. To close, Erica will provide a quick summary of WinSETT’s current offerings and seek input on their fit with the needs of Engineering Deans Canada.
Engineering Deans Canada continues its Wednesday Zoom meetings, on a monthly basis – These sessions are used to advance the organization’s agenda and to learn from each other, sharing information about resources and practices as we continue to adapt during this challenging time. Previously-recorded information sessions and related materials are available on the Web Portal. Feel free to contact Kevin Deluzio, Chair or John Kizas, Secretariat with suggested topics for future sessions.