About Engineering Deans Canada
Engineering Deans Canada is a national organization of Deans charged with the leadership and administration of engineering programs at Canadian Higher Education Institutions. It provides a Canada-wide forum and organizational structure to facilitate coordination, collaboration, and dialogue amongst HEIs on matters pertaining to engineering education and research. Its purposes are:
- To provide a forum to discuss, exchange and deliberate issues, to share experiences and best practices, and to develop a shared vision that fosters excellence in engineering education and research;
- To be the collective Canadian voice of engineering education and research, nationally and internationally, and to enable representations on behalf of HEIs on such matters to the public, government, industry, and other organizations; and
- To advance the collective mission of HEIs with the goal of serving the current and future needs of graduates, professors and researchers, the engineering profession, and the public good, within Canada and abroad.
Executive Committee

Mary Wells
University of Waterloo

Christopher Yip
University of Toronto

Michel Huneault
École de technologie supérieure

Kevin J. Deluzio
Queen’s University

Heather Sheardown
McMaster University
Committee Chairs
Kenneth Coley
Research Committee
Western University
John Newhook
Deans Liaison Committee
Dalhousie University
Tony Thoma
Education Committee
Conestoga College
Suzanne Kresta
Public Policy Committee
University of Prince Edward Island
Marcia Friesen
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Committee
University of Manitoba